Electronics Components

B470K Potentiometer 470K Ohms Potentiometer with plain shaft (Pack of 2)

    1. Product - Rotary Potentiometer
    2. Part No - B470K
    3. Resistance - 470K Ohm
    4. No of Pins - 3
₹47.20 (Including GST)

Potentiometers are very useful in changing the electrical parameters of a system. It is a single turn k Potentiometer with a rotating knob. These potentiometers are also commonly called as a rotary potentiometer. These three-terminal devices can be used to vary the resistance between 0 to 470k ohms by simply rotating the knob.

Specifications :

Product  Rotary Potentiometer
Part No  B470K
Resistance  470K Ohm 
No of Pins  3

Features :

  • Smooth Rotary Potentiometer
  • Easy To 0-100

Package Include :

1 x B470K Potentiometer 470K Ohms Potentiometer with plain shaft

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