Electronics Components

IRF640A Advanced Power MOSFET

  1. Product - Mosfet
  2. Model No - IRF640A
  3. Voltage - 200V
  4. Current - 18A
₹38.94 (Including GST)

IRF640A is a type of power MOSFET. It's also known as advanced power MOSFET, as we know that the power MOSFET has designed to work as a switching device. It's used to switch the power that's why it's known as the power-switching MOSFET. Its drain-source voltage is 200V. And its drain current is 18A.

Specifications :

Product  Mosfet
Model No. IRF640A
Mounting Type  Through Hole 
Operating Temperature  -55°C TO 150°C
Voltage  200V
Current  18A

Package Include :

1 xIRF640A Advanced Power MOSFET

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