Electronics Components

P55NF06 MOSFET - 60V 50A N Channel Power MOSFET (Pack of 2)

SKU: AR-P55-F06
  1. Product - Mosfet
  2. Model No - P55NF06
  3. Voltage - 60V
  4. Current - 50A
₹51.92 (Including GST)

The P55NF06 is an N-channel MOSFET with a high drain current of 50A and a low Rds value of 18 mΩ. It also has a VGS of 20V at which the MOSFET will start conducting. Hence it is commonly used to drive applications. However, a driver circuit is needed if the MOSFET has to be switched in completely

Specifications :

Product  Mosfet
Model No. P55NF06 
Mounting Type  Through Hole 
Operating Temperature  -55°C TO 150°C
Voltage  60V
Current  50A

Package Include :

1 x P55NF06 MOSFET - 60V 50A N Channel Power MOSFET

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