
1 inch 1 Digit Seven Segment Display-Red (Common Anode) (Pack of 2)

    1. Product - 1 Digit Seven Segment Display
    2. Display Size - 1 Inch
    3. Color - Red
    4. Type - Common Anode
₹68.44 (Including GST)

A seven-segment display (SSD) is a type of electronic display device for displaying decimal numbers that is less complicated than dot matrix displays. The section is made up of seven LED lines or segments. The display's parts light up in various configurations to display numbers from 0 to 9. The code or any encoder-decoder IC that delivers the command to light LEDs to make combinations and display numbers.  The LEDs have a maximum forward current of 20mA and a forward voltage of 3.6VDC. Many modern consumer gadgets, such as microwave ovens, washing machines, and air conditioners, employ seven section displays. They are a simple but effective way to display numerical data like time or quantity. Since they are made out of LEDs, they are a low-cost option for displaying information. They are widely appreciated for their features like accuracy, clarity, and optimum functionality.

Specifications :

Product  3 Digit Seven Segment Display
Display Size  1 Inch
Color  Red
No of Digits  01
No of Pins  10
Type  Common Anode 

Features :

  • Bright Red LED chip
  • Type: Common Cathode
  • Low Current Consumption
  • High Brightness
  • Easy to Use with PCB Mounting as well as on Breadboard

Package Include :

1 x 1 inch 1 Digit Seven Segment Display-Red (Common Anode)

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