Electronics Components

500 KHz Ceramic Resonator (Pack of 2)

    1. Product - Ceramic Resonator 
    2. Frequency - 500KHz
    3. Operating Temperature - -20 To 80C
    4. Capacitance - 100pF
₹68.56 (Including GST)
A ceramic resonator is often used in place of quartz crystals as a reference clock or signal generator in electronic circuitry due to its low cost and smaller size. The lower Q and higher frequency range achievable can be beneficial in the use of TCXOs, temperature-compensated crystal oscillators. They are used in timing circuitry for a wide array of applications such as TVs, VCRs, automotive electronic devices, telephones, etc.
Specifications :
Product  Ceramic Resonator 
Part No 500E5
Frequency  500KHz 
Tolerance  +-20%
Capacitance  100pF
Operating Temperature -20 To 80C
Size 7 x 3.5 x 8.8 mm

Package Include :

1 x 500 KHz Ceramic Resonator

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