Electronics Components

AO3402 30V 4A N-Channel MOSFET by Alpha & Omega (Pack of 20)

  1. Product - Mosfet
  2. Model No - AO3402
  3. Voltage - 30V
  4. Current - 4A
₹70.80 (Including GST)

The AO3402 30V 4A N-Channel MOSFET by Alpha & Omega uses advanced trench technology to provide outstanding RDS(ON), low gate charge, and operation with gate voltages as low as 2.5V. This device is appropriate for use as a load switch or in PWM applications.

Specifications :

Product  Mosfet
Model No. AO3402
Mounting Type  Through Hole 
Operating Temperature  -55°C TO 150°C
Voltage  30V
Current  4A

Package Include :

1 x AO3402 30V 4A N-Channel MOSFET by Alpha & Omega

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