Electronics Components

CNC 3D Printer Mech Endstop Switch

    1. Product - Printer Mech Endstop Switch
    2. Operating Voltage - 300V DC
    3. Max Operating Current - 2A
    4. Cable Length - 70cm
₹63.84 (Including GST)
CNC 3D Printer Mech Endstop Switch uses a lever switch to detect when it is activated. The switch is wired up so that when activated, it pulls the signal to LOW. There is also an LED on the board that will light up when the switch is activated. It uses a standard 4 pin 100″ pitch header and accepts a standard, old-style CD-ROM audio connector cable. The mechanical end stop is a simple solution to a simple problem. We want to be able to detect when an X/Y/Z stage has reached its minimum or maximum. Instead of messing with flags or complicated light beam interruptions, we use a mechanical switch. If we place the switch in the path of the stage, then the stage itself will simply close the switch when it moves against it. Other than properly positioning the switch, we do not need to modify the stage at all. If you’re worried about reliability, you can sleep well at night. The switches we use are rated for 1 million operations before failure. Since we only use the switches once per print, that means you’ll be able to do one million prints before having to replace the switch
Specifications :
Product  Printer Mech Endstop Switch
Operating Voltage  300V DC
Max Operating Current  2A
Temperature Resistance  80 °C
Cable Length  70 cm
Wire Type  22 AWG

Features :

  • Not easy to pull off, plug it convenient, for ease of use, plug the other side to do the one, you can use the direct plug.
  • Quality switching elements.
  • Customized high-quality connection wires using 22AWG copper wire with ratings of current 2A, 300V voltage.
  • An insulating layer over a wide range of temperatures, up to 80 degrees.

Package Include :

1 x CNC 3D Printer Mech Endstop Switch

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