Sensors & Modules

20X4 Alphanumeric LCD (Blue)

    1. Product - Alphanumeric LCD
    2. Input Voltage - 5V DC
    3. Backlight - Blue 
    4. Character Color - White 
₹506.22 (Including GST)

Its 20X4 Alphanumeric LCD (Blue), Alphanumeric LCD is a type of liquid crystal display that displays letters and numbers. In a simple LCD, liquid crystal is put between transparent electrodes and alters the polarisation of light traveling through an electrical field. Polarisation filters cover the electrodes, ensuring that only one direction polarised light may enter through the screen. If the polarity of the liquid crystal changes owing to an electrical field, light cannot flow through the screen or a portion of it, and the screen appears black.

Specifications :

Product  Alphanumeric LCD
Input Voltage  5V DC 
Backlight  Blue 
Chracter Color  White 
Characters x Rows 20 x 4
Driving Mode  1/16D
Size  98 x 60 x 12 mm

Package Include :

1 x 20X4 Alphanumeric LCD (Blue)

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